論文・受賞 |
原著論文 |
(43) Hanaoka, K., Ikeno, T., Iwaki, S., Deguchi, S., Takayama, K., Mizuguchi, H., Tao, F., Kojima, N., Ohno, H., Sasaki, E., Komatsu, T., Ueno, T., Maeda, K., Kusuhara, H., and Urano, Y. A general fluorescence off/on strategy for fluorogenic probes: Steric repulsion-induced twisted intramolecular charge transfer (sr-TICT). Sci. Adv., 10, eadi8847 (2024). |
(42) Tao, F., Kitamura, K., Hanada, S., Sugimoto, K., Furihata, T., and Kojima, N. Rapid and stable formation method of human astrocyte spheroid in a high viscous methylcellulose medium and its functional advantages. Bioengineering, 10(3), 349 (2023). |
(41) Tao, F., Hanada, S., Matsushima, K., Arakawa, H., Ishida, N., Kato, Y., Okimura, S., Watanabe, T., and Kojima, N. Enhancement and maintenance of hepatic metabolic functions by controlling 3D aggregation of cryopreserved human iPS cell-derived hepatocyte-like cells. J. Biosci. Bioeng., 135, 134-142 (2023). |
(40) Ono, T., Noguchi, R., Yoshimatsu, Y., Sin, Y., Kojima, N., and Kondo, T. Development of different organ derived decellularized tissue gels that support in vitro tumor cell behavior in a tumor type-specific manner. J. Electrophoresis, 65, 33-37 (2021). |
(39) Tao, F., Sayo, K., Aoki, S., and Kojima, N. Development of a tunable method to generate various three-dimensional microstructures by replenishing macromolecules such as extracellular matrix components and polysaccharides. Sci. Rep. 10, 6567 (12 pages) (2020). |
(38) Mihara, H., Kugawa, M., Sayo, K., Tao, F., Shinohara, M., Nishikawa, M., Sakai, Y., Akama, T., and Kojima, N. Improved Oxygen Supply to Multicellular Spheroids Using A Gas-permeable Plate and Embedded Hydrogel Beads. Cells, 8, 525 (13 pages) (2019). |
(37) Takeshita, T., Tao, F., Kojima, N., and Kanaly R.A. Triple quadrupole mass spectrometry comparative DNA adductomics of Hep G2 cells following exposure to safrole. Toxicol. Lett., 300, 92-104 (2019). |
(36) Sakuma, S., Sato, A., Kojima, N., Tao, F. and Arai, F. Force sensor probe using quartz crystal resonator with wide measurement range for mechanical characterization of HepG2 spheroid. Sensor. Actuat. A-Phys., 265, 202-210 (2017). |
(35) Sayo, K., Aoki, S. and Kojima, N. Fabrication of bone marrow-like tissue in vitro from dispersed-state bone marrow cells. Regen. Ther., 3, 32-37 (2016). |
(34) Kamitori, S., Ozeki, Y. and Kojima, N. β-galactoside-mediated tissue organization during islet reconstitution. Regen. Ther., 3, 11-14 (2016). |
(35) Motoyama, W., Sayo, K., Mihara, H., Aoki, S. and Kojima, N. Induction of hepatic tissues in multicellular spheroids composed of murine fetal hepatic cells and embedded hydrogel beads. Regen. Ther., 3, 7-10 (2016). |
(32) Okada, R., Hara, T., Sato, T., Kojima, N. and Nishina, Y. The mechanism and control of Jagged1 expression in Sertoli cells. Regen. Ther., 3, 75-81 (2016). |
(31) Yano, Y., Iimura, N., Kojima, N. and Uchiyama, H. Non-neural and cardiac differentiating properties of Tbx6-expressing mouse embryonic stem cells. Regen. Ther., 3, 1-6 (2016). |
(30) Hasan, I., Sugawara, S., Fujii, Y., Koide, Y., Terada, D., Iimura, N., Fujiwara, T., Takahashi, K.G., Kojima, N., Rajia, S., Kawsar, S.M.A., Kanaly, R.A., Uchiyama, H., Hosono, M., Ogawa, Y., Fujita, H., Hamako, J., Matsui, T. and Ozeki, Y. MytiLec, a mussel R-type lectin, interacts with surface glycan Gb3 on Burkitt's lymphoma cells to trigger apoptosis through multiple pathways. Mar. Drugs, 13, 7377-7389 (2015). |
(29) Kojima, N., Takeuchi, S. and Sakai, Y. Fabrication of microchannel networks in multicellular spheroids. Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem., 198, 249-254 (2014). |
(28) Kojima, N., Takeuchi, S. and Sakai, Y. Engineering of Pseudoislets: Effect on Insulin Secretion Activity by Cell Number, Cell Population, and Microchannel Networks. Transplant. Proc., 46, 1161-1165 (2014). |
(27) Katsuda, T., Kojima, N., Ochiya, T. and Sakai, Y. Biliary epithelial cells play an essential role in the reconstruction of hepatic tissue with a functional bile ductular network. Tissue Eng., 19, 2402-2411 (2013). |
(26) Kojima, N. and Sakai, Y. Control of liver tissue reconstitution in mesenteric leaves: the effect of preculture on mouse hepatic progenitor cells prior to transplantation. J. Robot. Mechatron., 25, 698-704 (2013). |
(25) Kojima, N., Takeuchi, S. and Sakai, Y. Rapid aggregation of heterogeneous cells and multiple-sized microspheres in methylcellulose medium. Biomaterials, 33, 4508-4514 (2012). |
(24) Nishikawa, M., Yanagawa, N., Kojima, N., Yuri, S., Hauser, P.V., Jo, O.D. and Yanagawa, N. Stepwise renal lineage differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells tracing in vivo development. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 417, 897-902, (2012). |
(23) Kojima, N., Takeuchi, S. and Sakai, Y. Establishment of self-organization system in rapidly formed multicellular heterospheroids. Biomaterials, 32, 6059-6067 (2011). |
(22) Hamon, M., Ozawa, T., Montagne, K., Kojima, N., Ishii, R., Yamaguchi, S., Nagamune, T., Ushida, T. and Sakai, Y. Avidin-biotin-based approach to forming heterotypic cell clusters and cell sheets on a gas-permeable membrane. Biofabrication, 3, 034111 (10 pp) (2011). |
(21) Kojima, N., Saito, H., Nishikawa, M., Yuri, S., Jo, O.D., Pam, P.C., Yanagawa, N. and Yanagawa, N. Lithium induces c-Ret expression in mouse inner medullary collecting duct cells. Cell. Signal., 23, 371-379 (2011). |
(20) Kojima, N., Miura, K., Matsuo, T., Nakayama, H., Komori, K., Takeuchi, S. and Sakai, Y. Rapid and direct cell-to-cell attachment using avidin-biotin binding system: Large aggregate formation in suspension culture and small tissue element formation having a precise microstructure using optical tweezers. J. Robot. Mechatron., 22, 619-622 (2010). |
(19) Chowdhury, MM., Katsuda, T., Montagne, K., Kimura, H., Kojima, N., Akutsu, H., Ochiya, T., Fujii, T. and Sakai, Y. Enhanced effects of secreted soluble factor preserve better pluripotent state of embryonic stem cells culture in a membrane-based compartmentalized micro-bioreactor. Biomed. Microdevices., 12, 1097-1105 (2010). |
(18) Komori, K., Takamiya, S., Kojima, N., Kuwazuru, O., Yoshikawa, N., Furukawa, K., Miyamoto, K. and Sakai, Y. Mechanical Characterization of a Cell-loaded Elastin Film Prepared by Use of a Novel Cross-linker, Dode-DSP. Chem. Lett., 38, 878-879 (2009). |
(17) Nishikawa, M., Yamamoto, T., Kojima, N., Komori, K., Fujii, T. and Sakai, Y. Stable immobilization of rat hepatocytes as hemispheroids onto collagen-conjugated poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS) surfaces: Importance of direct oxygenation through PDMS for both formation and function. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 99, 1472-1481 (2008). |
(16) Nishikawa, M., Kojima, N., Komori, K., Yamamoto, T., Fujii, T. and Sakai, Y. Enhanced maintenance and functions of rat hepatocytes induced by combination of on-site oxygenation and coculture with fibroblasts. J. Biotechnol., 133, 253-260 (2008). |
(15) Hanada, S., Kojima, N. and Sakai, Y. Soluble factor-dependent in vitro growth and maturation of rat fetal liver cells in a three-dimensional culture system. Tissue Eng., 14, 149-160 (2008). |
(14) Naruto, N., Huang, H., Nishikawa, M., Kojima, N., Mizuno, A., Ohta, K. and Sakai, Y. Feasibility of direct oxygenation of primary-cultured rat hepatocytes using polyethylene glycol decorated liposome-encapsulated hemoglobin (LEH). J. Biosci. Bioeng., 104, 343-346 (2007). |
(13) Sekine, K., Chen, YR., Kojima, N., Ogata, K., Fukamizu, A. and Miyajima, A. Foxo1 links insulin signaling to C/EBPa and regulates gluconeogenesis during liver development. EMBO J., 26, 3607-3615 (2007). |
(12) Huang, H., Oizumi, S., Kojima, N., Niino T. and Sakai, Y. Avidin-biotin binding-based cell seeding and perfusion culture of liver-derived cells in a porous scaffold with a three-dimensional interconnected flow-channel network. Biomaterials, 28, 3815-3823 (2007). |
(11) Huang, H., Hanada, S., Kojima, N. and Sakai, Y. Enhanced Functional Maturation of Fetal Porcine Hepatocytes in Three-dimensional Poly-L-lactic Acid Scaffolds: A Culture Condition Suitable for Engineered Liver Tissues in Large-Scale Animal Studies. Cell Transplant., 15, 799-809 (2006). |
(10) Kojima, N., Matsuo, T. and Sakai, Y. Rapid hepatic cell attachment onto biodegradable polymer surfaces without toxicity using an avidin-biotin binding system. Biomaterials, 27, 4904-4910 (2006). |
(9) Kojima, N., Shiojiri, N. Sakai, Y and Miyajima, A. Expression of neuritin during liver maturation and regeneration. FEBS Lett., 579, 4562-4566, (2005). |
(8) Jiang, J., Kojima, N., Guo, L., Naruse, K., Makuuchi, M., Miyajima, A., Yan, W.-Q. and Sakai, Y. Efficacy of engineered liver tissue based on poly-L-lactic acid scaffolds and fetal mouse liver cells cultured with oncostatin M, nicotinamide and dimethyl sulfoxide. Tissue Eng., 10, 1577-1586, (2004). |
(7) Jiang, J., Kojima, N., Kinoshita, T., Miyajima, A., Yan, W., Sakai, Y. Cultivation and induction of fetal liver cells in poly-L-lactic acid scaffold. Mater. Sci. Eng. C, 24, 361-363, (2004). |
(6) Hanada, S., Kayano, H., Jiang, J., Kojima, N., Miyajima, A., Sakoda, A. and Sakai, Y. Enhanced in vitro maturation of subcultivated fetal human hepatocytes in three dimensional culture using poly-L-lactic acid scaffolds in the presence of oncostatin. Int. J. Artif. Organs., 26, 943-951, (2003). |
(5) Sakai, Y., Jiang, J., Kojima, N., Kinoshita, T. and Miyajima, A. Enhanced in vitro maturation of fetal mouse liver cells with oncostatin M, nicotinamide, and dimethyl sulfoxide. Cell Transplant., 11, 435-441, (2002). |
(4) Jiang, J., Kojima, N., Kinoshita, T., Miyajima, A., Yan, W. and Sakai, Y. Cultivation of fetal liver cells in a three-dimensional poly-L-lactic acid scaffold in the presence of oncostatin M. Cell Transplant., 11, 403-406, (2002). |
(3) Kamiya, A., Kojima, N., Kinoshita, T., Sakai, Y. and Miyaijma, A. Maturation of fetal hepatocytes in vitro by extracellular matrices and oncostatin M: induction of tryptophan oxygenase. Hepatology, 35, 1351-1359, (2002). |
(2) Kojima, N., Kinoshita, T., Kamiya, A., Nakamura, K., Nakashima, K., Taga, T. and Miyajima, A. Cell density-dependent regulation of hepatic development by a gp130-independent pathway. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 277, 152-158, (2000). |
(1) Takagi, M., Kojima, N. and Yoshida, T. Analysis of the ammonia metabolism of rat primary hepatocytes and a human hepatocyte cell line Huh 7. Cytotechnology, 32, 9-15, (2000). |
英語総説・英語図書 |
(5) Tao, F., Mihara, H. and Kojima, N. Generation of hepatic tissue structures using spheroid culture. Methods in Molecular Biology, etd. by N. Tanimizu, Springer, pp.157-165 (2019). |
(4) Kojima, N., Tao, F., Mihara, H. and Aoki, S. Chapter 8: Methods for Engineering of Multicellular Spheroids to Reconstitute the Liver Tissue. in “Stem Cells and Cancer in Hepatology”, etd. by Y.W. Zheng, Elsevier, pp.145-158 (2018). |
(3) Kojima, N. In vitro reconstitution of pancreatic islets. Organogenesis, 10, 225-230 (2014). |
(2) Sakai, Y., Jiang, J., Hanada, S., Huang, H., Katsuda, T., Kojima, N., Teratani, T. and Ochiya, T. Three-dimensional culture of fetal mouse, rat and porcine hepatocytes. in “Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation”, etd. by N. Bhattacharya and P. Stubblefield, Springer-Verlag UK, pp.47-63 (2013). |
(1) Sakai, Y., Nishikawa, M., Evenou, F., Hamon, H., Huang, K., Montagne, K.P., Kojima, N., Fujii, T. and Niino, T. Engineering of implantable liver tissues. in “Liver Stem Cells” etd. by T. Ochiya, Humana Press, pp.189-216 (2012). |
日本語総説・日本語図書 |
(21) 小島伸彦 オルガノイドアッセイ開発, 特集 加速するOrgans on a Chip(組織チップ)テクノロジー, 電気学会誌, 144(4), 209-212 (2024). |
(20) 小島伸彦 接着力の弱い細胞や生体材料を使ったスフェロイドの作製法:メチルセルロース法, 実験医学4月号, 羊土社, 42(6), 961- (2024). |
(19) 小島伸彦 4.7 ヘテロスフェロイド培養法, 細胞培養・組織培養の技術 第4版, 日本組織培養学会(編), 朝倉書店, 168-171 (2023). |
(18) 小島伸彦 液体肝臓プロジェクトの進捗報告, PKU親の会連絡協議会ニュース, 57, 2-4, (2021). |
(17) 小島伸彦 液体肝臓を用いた先天代謝異常症の治療法開発への期待, タンデムマス通信, 14, 15-17 (2021). |
(16) 小島伸彦 スフェロイドをデザインする技術を用いた1型糖尿病モデル膵島の作製, 生産と技術, 72, 13-18 (2020). |
(15) 田尾文哉, 小島伸彦 3次元スフェロイド培養技術によるヒトiPS細胞由来肝細胞の薬物代謝酵素発現試験, 谷本学校 毒性質問箱, 22, 11-15 (2020). |
(14) 小島伸彦 赤血球による身体機能の拡張, 生物工学, 98, 256 (2020). |
(13) 小島伸彦 スフェロイドの微細構造化技術の開発, 薬剤学, 79, 192-196 (2019). |
(12) 小島伸彦(分担執筆)第4章:三次元細胞培養の基礎知識と関連技術の構築と製品開発・第1節:知っておくべき三次元細胞培養の基礎知識, 再生医療の開発戦略と最新研究事例集, 技術情報協会, 213-219 (2019). |
(11) 小島伸彦 微細構造をもつ膵島様組織の作製, Organ Biology, 24, 93-96 (2017). |
(10) 小島伸彦(分担執筆)3.5.4節・生体環境を模倣した高機能組織の創出技術, 細胞社会学, 大和雅之編著, コロナ社, 135-141 (2016). |
(9) 小島伸彦 高粘性培地によるスフェロイド培養システム三次元ティッシュエンジニアリング エヌ・ティー・エス, 197-204, (2015). |
(8) 田中真二, 土屋淳紀, 相島慎一, 小島伸彦 座談会・肝胆膵分野の再生医療・人工臓器, 肝胆膵, 70, 473-485 (2015). |
(7) 小島伸彦,尾方優花,中岡慎治,酒井康行. 異種細胞集団による自己組織化現象の数理モデル化. 生産研究, 65, 83-88, (2013). |
(6) 小島伸彦,竹内昌治,酒井康行. 細胞同士をダイレクトに結合して構造化する技術とその可能性. 生産研究, 63, 3-8, (2011). |
(5) 西川昌輝,小島伸彦,山本貴富喜,中島芳浩,近江谷克裕,藤井輝夫,酒井康行. 生体内環境の時空間的な模倣を通じた高機能肝組織の構築. 生産研究, 60, 152-159, (2008). |
(4) 小島伸彦,酒井康行. 未分化肝細胞を用いた異所的な肝組織の再構築とその制御. 日本再生歯科医学会遺伝子医学MOOK別冊,進み続ける細胞移植治療の実態(下巻)−再生医療の実現に向けた化学・技術の周辺要素の理解−,田畑泰彦編,メディカルDO(大阪), 102-106 (2008). |
(3) 小島伸彦,松尾朋樹,酒井康行. アビジン−ビオチン結合による高密度な細胞組織の構築. 生産研究, 57, 87-89, (2005). |
(2) 小島伸彦,酒井康行. バイオ人工肝組織の異所的な移植と再生. 日本再生歯科医学会誌, 2, 93-100, (2004). |
(1) 小島伸彦,宮島篤. 肝発生の分子機構解明とその応用. バイオサイエンスとインダストリー, 60, 11-15, (2002). |
受賞 |
(12) 日本生物工学会第32回論文賞, Tao, F., Hanada, S., Matsushima, K., Arakawa, H., Ishida, N., Kato, Y., Okimura, S., Watanabe, T., and Kojima, N. Enhancement and maintenance of hepatic metabolic functions by controlling 3D aggregation of cryopreserved human iPS cell-derived hepatocyte-like cells. J. Biosci. Bioeng., 135, 134-142 (2023)., 2024年6月19日 |
(11) ユーグレナ賞, 小島伸彦, 細胞社会のデザインを加速しバイオ業界に貢献する, バイオテックグランプリ2022, 東京都 センターオブガレージ, 2022年9月24日 |
(10) 異能vationプログラム「ジェネレーションアワード」部門ノミネート(他薦), 液体肝臓で、フェニルケトン尿症の患者さんに食の楽しみを!, 小島伸彦, 異能vationプログラム(総務省主催), オンライン開催, 2021年12月16日 |
(9) ロート賞, 小島伸彦, 液体肝臓の開発, 第4回メドテックグランプリKOBE2021, 兵庫県 神戸大学先端融合研究環統合研究拠点コンベンションホール, 2021年10月9日 |
(8) 会長賞, 小島伸彦, 微細構造をもつ膵島様組織の作製, 第43回日本臓器保存生物医学会学術集会, 東京都 東京薬科大学, 2016年11月27日 |
(7) 最優秀賞(グランプリ), 横浜市立大学小島伸彦研究室チーム(小島伸彦, 田尾文哉, 朝倉夕稀, 平沢雅宏, 平沢真弓), 攻殻機動隊の義体を支える臓器設計技術, 攻殻機動隊REALIZE PROJECT the AWARD攻殻コンテスト, 東京都 渋谷ヒカリエ・ホールB, 2016年2月11日 |
(6) 優秀賞, 横浜市立大学小島伸彦研究室チーム(小島伸彦, 田尾文哉, 朝倉夕稀, 平沢雅宏, 平沢真弓), 臓器設計工学に基づいた高機能化マイクロ臓器の開発, 攻殻機動隊REALIZE PROJECT攻殻ハッカソン東京大会, 東京都 DMM.make AKIBA, 2015年10月25日 |
(5) Best Paper Award, Kojima, N., Motoyama, W., and Aoki, S., Assembly of the Hybrid Multicellular Spheroids using Epithelial Cells and Hydrogel Beads, 25th IEEE International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science in 2014 (MHS2014), 愛知県 名古屋大学野依記念学術交流館, 2014年11月12日 |
(4) 最優秀発表賞, 小島伸彦, MEMSと肝臓, 第4回BEANS総合研究会, 千葉県 幕張セミナーハウス, 2012年5月22日 |
(3) Young Investigator Award “Silver Prize”, Kojima, N., Takeuchi, S., and Sakai, Y., Fabrication of multicellular heterospheroids by a dispenser robot system, International Conference on Biofabrication 2011 in Toyama, 富山県 富山国際会議場, 2011年10月8日 |
(2) 優秀発表賞, 小島伸彦, デカルトの悪魔と有機マイクロマシン, 第3回BEANS総合研究会, 神奈川県 MELONDIAあざみ野, 2011年5月17日 |
(1) 最優秀発表賞, 小島伸彦, ミニチュア臓器の作り方, 第2回BEANS総合研究会, 東京都 クロスウェーブ府中, 2010年6月16日 |